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There are many work environments for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) but one of the most common is caring for the elderly. This can be in home health care, day centers, or long-term retirement communities. In fact, there are more than 600,000 Nursing Assistants who provide care for 1.4 million nursing home residents nationwide, according to PHI National. In addition, there are expected to be an additional 59,000 new CNA jobs at nursing homes by 2024. This is reflected in the aging of the United State’s population. It’s estimated that the population over 65 years old will double by 2050, from 47.8 million to 88 million.
This changing demographic will create a large demand for CNA jobs. The great news is that for those interested in working in the medical industry, becoming a CNA is fast and easy. It’s also a great foundation as you promote to other nursing positions. If you’re interested in becoming a CNA you can find CNA schools near you and get more information by your state and city.
For CNAs to provide the best care for their elderly patients, it’s important to have a basic understanding of their patients’ treatments. In addition to knowing vital signs and issuing daily medication, CNAs can also know about alternative pain relief therapy such as acupuncture. Body pain, depression, and sleep issues are some of the most common ailments seniors face. The first thought that comes into mind is to check with the doctor and consume medicines to treat the problem. Well, medications can give quick relief, and on the other day, one has to increase the dosage or change the medicines to feel better. When it comes to the health of older adults, the best approach they can count on is acupuncture, especially if they are suffering from aches and pain. This post states the list of health ailments acupuncture can treat.
Read on and understand what this practice is and how it can benefit seniors.
What is Acupuncture?
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It is a form of traditional Chinese practice that is used to relieve a number of health conditions along with other bodily issues like pain. In this method, an acupuncturist inserts extremely thin steel needles into the skin of the patient. The areas of the body where these needles are inserted are known as acupoints. This therapy helps in rebalancing the energy of the body and pushing the body to release beneficial chemicals in order to defend against illness. As a result, this method treats multiple health issues of the patients.
When undergoing this therapy, one may feel a small prick with each needle. As the needles are very thin, so the patient feels minute pain. Once a professional acupuncturist inserts some needles on the trigger points, the patient may experience tingling. These muscle sensations mean that the therapy has started working.
11 Health Benefits of Acupuncture for the Elderly Patients
Here’s the rundown of the top health and mental benefits of acupuncture for older people that will blow your mind and make you consider this therapy for your health conditions.
Improves cognitive function
According to a study, it was noted that acupuncture could help treat mild cognitive impairment in older adults. It further states that this therapy is the ultimate alternative method for seniors. So, elders must try it, but at the same time, they should ask their doctor if they need to continue with the prescribed medicines and only reduce the intake when the doctor advises it.
Improves mental health
This therapy can also help older people who suffer from mental health issues. Not only this, acupuncture can even benefit seniors who have insomnia. The problem of insomnia usually triggers anxiety and depression. Acupuncture lends a hand to seniors in overcoming mental health challenges, and as a result, people experience improved moods and a relaxed mind.
Treats indigestion
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This problem is pretty common and is affecting a large number of people. Usually, people consume antacid pills, but they do not know these pills can create more issues with their digestive system. Acupuncture can naturally help in getting rid of indigestion. In fact, it can help reduce the medicine consumption for this issue and makes elderly people feel much healthier.
Promotes sleep
There is no doubt that senior adults suffer from sleep deprivation, and this can lead to restless leg syndrome, bladder malfunction, sleep apnea, etc. Good quality sleep is a must for everyone, especially for seniors. According to a study published on NCBI, acupuncture can enhance sleep by prompting melatonin (a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle) production. It further reduces anxiety and eventually provides relief from sleep deprivation.
Eases arthritis
It can provide relief to the elders who suffer from arthritis pain. That said, people who undergo chronic pain and face discomfort due to arthritis can opt for acupuncture treatment. However, it is vital to note that acupuncture cannot treat all rheumatoid arthritis. But it is great in reducing swelling as well as controlling inflammation that is caused by arthritis.
Boosts respiratory system
Our circulatory system does not work optimally as we age, and this hampers the amount of air and oxygen to the organs. When it comes to acupuncture, it can help boost the respiratory system by increasing the size of the airways. This enhances the circulation of oxygen which leads to improvement in breathing patterns.
Improves oral health
Dental problems, mainly tooth decay, sore gums, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, are the common oral health issues people face in old age. Research shows that this practice can treat the mouth pain that is caused due to TMJ disorder, tooth extraction, or toothache. Therefore, seniors who have dental issues can consider this treatment.
Relieves pain
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This approach is also effective when it comes to neck and back pain. Moreover, it is beneficial in getting rid of neuropathy pain, which one faces due to diabetes. Neuropathy is the damage of a few nerves that result in muscle weakness, numbness, pain, tingling, and burning sensation in the affected area, mainly arms, and legs. Acupuncture can work wonders in relieving pain one experiences under this condition.
Treats eye disorders
It can provide relief from eye problems for the elderly by balancing the flow of energy. Cataracts, acute conjunctivitis, etc., are the major ailments seniors face, and they do consider contacting eye specialists. Well, counting on acupuncture side by side would be the best thing older adults can do to treat eye disorders. This therapy focuses on promoting the circulation of Qi (the life force) around the eye. With periodic acupuncture treatment, one can notice the difference and can further witness the condition improving. This approach is effective, promotes blood circulation around the eyes, and can also aid in Glaucoma.
Better than meds
This practice is non-invasive, less painful, and has minimal side effects. It is considered one of the best forms of alternative medicine. The crucial thing to know is that seniors who are taking blood thinners may get soreness or can even bleed a little, but there is nothing to be afraid of. They just need to tell their acupuncturist about it prior to the session.
Enhances pharmaceutical effects
According to a randomized control trial, it was noted that major depressive disorder (MDD) patients who were on the small dosage of the drug Prozac and had undergone acupuncture treatment simultaneously experienced reduced anxiety and depression. Moreover, this practice is also effective in limiting the side effects (such as weight gain and nausea) of this medicine. It is now evident that acupuncture can boost the effects of pharmaceuticals.
Final words
By now you already know how effective acupuncture is when it comes to the health of older adults. From mental and physical to emotional problems, seniors can make the most of this treatment. One just needs to go and seek a skilled acupuncturist for the sessions. Without any doubt, seniors will be able to live a better life after counting on acupuncture therapy.
Guest Post Courtesy of Dr. Alexander Ezzati