Female Perineal Care

Female Perineal Care:


  • Pair of gloves

  • 2 Chux Pads

  • 2 Towels

  • 2 Basins

  • Soap

  • 6 Washcloths


  1. Knock on patients door, and then enter

  2. Greet patient by name, introduce yourself and what you are doing

  3. Provide for privacy by shutting curtains

  4. Wash your hands

  5. Check patient’s ID, to confirm identity

  6. Gather your supplies

  7. Cover tray table with a barrier towel

  8. Fill each basin with 1 inch of water, check water temperature with your wrist

  9. Place on tray table and put one washcloth in each basin

  10. Put on gloves and have the patient roll to side slightly

  11. Remove dirty chux pad, and replace with a clean chux pad

  12. Pull blanket down to knees and pull gown above their naval

  13. Place a towel over the naval area to expose as little skin as possible

  14. Check water temperature with wrist and dry on barrier towel

  15. Using the washcloth from the cleaning basin, lather the soap

  16. Using the 4-corner technique, clean the labia, change corners, clean other labia, change again, and clean the meatus

  17. Place washcloth back in the basin

  18. Repeat the process with the cloth from the rinse basin

  19. Pat dry using a different part of the hand towel in the same sequences

  20. Ask patient to roll to their side

  21. Using the same 4-corners method clean their buttocks, using the washcloth from the cleaning basin

  22. The cleaning process for the buttocks: clean from the anus up to the middle, change, clean the anus to the side, change, and lastly clean the anus to the other side

  23. Rinse using the same process

  24. Pat dry using a different side of the towel in each direction

  25. Replace the dirty chuck pad with a new one

  26. Ask patient to lay back down in the center of the bed

  27. Pour water into toilet, and rinse basins twice with scalding water dumping it into the toilet

  28. Pat dry the basins then store with a clean paper towel as a barrier

  29. Put linens into the dirty linens hamper

  30. Remove gloves and wash hands

  31. Place the call light in the patient’s hand

  32. Close the curtains


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